Correct tapering before endurance sports competitions: Everything you need to know!

The importance of tapering

What is tapering and how does it work?

Physical regeneration

Intensive training leaves its mark on the muscles: microscopically small tears in the muscle fibers are evidence of the work done. But it is precisely these cracks that offer the body the opportunity to regenerate and even improve during tapering.

During the taper phase, the muscle fibers are repaired and rebuilt, gaining strength and resilience. This process is supported by optimized microcirculation and increased metabolism. Energy provision becomes more efficient and waste products are removed more quickly.

In addition, tapering strengthens the immune system. The reduced stress gives the body time to mobilize its defenses and arm itself against infections. In this way, tapering minimizes the risk of colds and other illnesses that could jeopardize the competition .

Energetic regeneration

Mental regeneration

The optimal length and type of tapering

The optimal duration of the taper phase depends on various factors. On the one hand, your training age plays a role - the longer you have been training, the longer the taper phase can be. The training intensity is also crucial: If you have trained intensively, you usually need a longer taper phase. Furthermore, the competition distance influences the length of the taper phase - a longer taper phase is usually required for longer distances. Last but not least, individual factors such as your ability to regenerate and personal preferences also play a role in determining the optimal taper duration.

There are different types of tapering that can be applied. The most common methods are linear tapering, in which training volumes are reduced continuously and evenly, and exponential tapering, in which training volumes are greatly reduced at the beginning of the taper phase and then gradually reduced. Another method is gradual tapering, in which the amount of training is reduced in several steps. In addition, an individualized tapering concept can be created in collaboration with a trainer or sports doctor that is tailored to your specific needs.

In training practice during tapering, the focus is on maintaining performance and avoiding overload. The training volume is reduced by 40-60%, while the intensity of the training units remains the same or is slightly reduced. The frequency of training is also reduced and the focus is on short, intensive intervals and relaxed regeneration sessions. It is also important to have adequate rest and regeneration through sufficient sleep, rest breaks and active regeneration techniques such as stretching or yoga. The taper phase also offers the opportunity to work on fine-tuning your technique and mentally preparing for the competition.

By finding the optimal length and type of tapering for your competition preparation and implementing it effectively, you can ensure that you are in the best possible shape and able to perform at your best on competition day.

Nutrition and supplementation during tapering

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