Blog post United in Humanity // RIDE4WATER

United in Humanity // RIDE4WATER

You come home after an intensive training session, you feel exhausted, you are hot. You drink water, cool and straight from the tap. You throw your sweaty sportswear into the washing machine and put on the water for the coffee. Then it's off to the shower. The water rushes past you, pattering on your head. You brush your teeth while the water is running.

For us, access to water is so normal that we don't even think about how much water we use, drink, or just let it flow down the drain.
Other people know exactly how much water they use. What is normal for us is still a luxury for many people around the world. Access to fresh drinking water is difficult in many countries.

Access to clean drinking water is not guaranteed for everyone in Uganda either. Viva con Agua wants to change that. Viva con Agua has already drawn attention to the global water situation with campaigns in the past. Now the association from Hamburg wants to collect donations with its latest project, the Ride4Water, and thus not only provide schools and communities in Uganda with drinking water, but also create a new awareness of hygiene through hygiene projects on site.


The Ride4Water is a cycling event that aims to draw attention to the global shortage of drinking water.
From July 5th to July 11th we will cycle together as many kilometers as we can and thus raise awareness for Viva con Agua's fundraising goal. All participants are connected virtually, can see how many kilometers have been driven and also get together in teams.
We at Ryzon are also taking part in this campaign and have created a team to collect kilometers together.

This is how you ride in Team Ryzon

The following link will take you directly to our team. Register with Ride4Water using the link , connect your profile to your Strava account (optional) and join our team. From July 5th to 11th, ride as many kilometers on your bike as possible and track them, manually or via Strava, in the Ride4Water portal. Feel free to share the campaign (#RIDE4WATER) on Instagram and tag us ( @ryzon_apparel ) and Viva con Agua ( @vivaconagua ).

With all the fascination for virtual solutions, we are all the more pleased that analogue meetings are finally possible again. That's why we've planned an extra cycling unit for July 10th, where we'll meet to ride together for the Ride4Water in the Cologne area. You can find information about this in our newsletter and on our social media channels.

Ride together, donate together

Join our team now and ride with us for Viva con Agua. We would be delighted if you decide to make a donation to the association. Team Ryzon will also donate an amount to Hamburg at the end of the week.
The goal of Viva con Agua is to collect a total of €50,000 to support the “One WASH Uganda” program with 6 newly built wells and to be able to train so-called “water user committees”.

Here you will find all further information and FAQs about the campaign.

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