Blog post A moving year

A moving year

In 2023, we redesigned our United in Humanity program to create long-term-focused partnerships with a lasting impact.

We concluded our first cooperation under this new approach with the Frodeno Fun(d) in Spain. The project, which was launched by Emma and Jan Frodeno, runs under the motto "Cycling for a healthy future" and aims to encourage children and young people through sport and to support their personal development. A central part of this commitment is a pump track in Salt (Girona), which serves as a meeting point for the community and offers a safe environment for young people.

Today, we would like to briefly look back on the year 2023 together.

Last year we made four payments totaling around 17,500 euros from the United In Humanity pot to Frodeno Fun(d). The financial resources were used to repair bicycles, purchase protective equipment, and pay qualified coaches.

Another highlight of our collaboration was a personal meeting with the local children and young people last summer. On that day, we were also able to get to know Irene, the project manager of the Frodeno Fun(d). She told us how much the community around the pump track has developed in recent years. From initial skepticism to strong acceptance and support from the local population  this change clearly shows how lasting the Frodeno Fun(d)'s commitment is.

Visiting the pump track once again showed us how important sport is as a universal language. Regardless of language or origin, it connects people and creates a strong community.

At this point we would like to thank everyone who contributed to this success. One thing is certain: without the Ryzon community, this support would not have been possible. Every purchase from our United in Humanity Collection has helped further strengthen the Frodeno Fun(d) and bring positive change to the local community.

We are proud to have been part of this inspiring project and look forward to remaining closely connected to Frodeno Fun(d) in the future.

You can find more information about the United in Humanity program and how you can become part of it here.

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